A round consists of a number of ends, usually consisting of 6 arrows, at set distances. After each end, before retrieving your arrows from the target, your arrows are tallied up on a form. When calling your score, you start with the highest scoring arrow and call in sets of 3 arrows. The scorer should repeat the scores back to you as they record them on the form. The total score for the 6 arrows are added up in the End column. Add up the number of X’s, 10’s, total hits, the score for the 12 arrows. In the final column fill in the running total. At the end of the round, the scorer or someone shooting with you needs to sign the ‘Score checked by:’ box to verify the score.

Frostbite score sheet
When scoring, an X counts as 10 points, any misses are recorded as an ‘M’ on the score sheet. Once the score sheets are completed they should be given to the records officer by putting them in the file in the container or handed to the records officer.