Abbey Bowmen’s Frostbite league begins in October. The Frostbite is a target round of 3 dozen arrows shot over 6 ends of 6 arrows at an 80cm target at a distance of 30 metres using 10 zone scoring.
The frostbite tournament is fiercely contested and each month points are awarded in ranking order for the highest score at each discipline, however, there are other points available for completing a round wearing a silly hat, for completing a round on bacon sandwich Sunday which takes place once a month and an extra point is added if a round is completed in adverse weather.

Frostbite league
All the scores from a calendar month are amalgamated and points allocated. The start of each month the slate is wiped clean and begins again. The points are added to the previous month and the tournament takes place over 6 months from October to March. Medals are awarded to the 3rd, 2nd and 1st place positions at the end of March. The results are posted each month so that archers can keep tabs on their performance.
Click here to see monthly scores.